If you are planning to send your child to a boarding school in England, guardianship service is mandatory. Guardians become the link between the child, their parents, and the school. They act not only as the official contact person but also as a full-fledged parent, authorized to act in the best interests of their ward.
What is guardianship
in England?
Guardianship (foster care, foster parents) in England is an official representation and care service for a child who has come to the United Kingdom from abroad. It is not a foster parent, but rather a host parent.
It is important to emphasize the legitimate component of this status, as boarding schools also have guardians, but they are formal.
Who becomes a guardian?
In England, only a UK resident can become a guardian. This case is not only about the conditional right to work in the UK but also to actually perform parental duties.
Guardians are experienced parents. Their competencies are verified by independent organizations such as AEGIS (Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students) or BSA (Boarding Schools’ Association).
What do guardians do?
Official contact person
Second parent
Daily life
Official contact person
Second parent
Daily life
Is guardianship in England
really mandatory?
Although guardianship is not legally mandatory, it is a direct requirement of all boarding schools if the child is under 16 years old.
Moreover, this service is regulated by law, both factually: Part IX of the Children Act 1989 and The Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005, and formally described by the UKVI UK Visas and Immigration service.
For reference, some universities also require guardians if the child is under 18 years old. The same conditions may help obtain a student visa.
Our guardianship company
The relationship between biological parents and guardians is built on trust. This is a complex and difficult concept to achieve over a distance, which is why more than 15 years ago, we created our own guardianship company.
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Contact us
For guardians
635 Bath Road, Burnham, Slough, Berkshire, United Kingdom, SL1 6AE